Products that Help Our Pets

We have Great choices now for overall health products that help our pets. I’m mostly discussing cats and dogs, and we know cats are like the parent in our relationship once they’re adults, where some of our dogs just refuse to grow up. Now I had a female brown and white lab rat when I was a girl; she ran the house! Our poodle and Siamese cat got out of her way when she charged through the hallways on a mission. She slept on my pillow at night and she only used her cage for ‘her potty business’. My life memories are so enriched by her. As an adult we had a shih tzu dog named Dana. We had almost sixteen years with her, and we were so blessed with her being extremely healthy. We got her for the family but she was ‘my girl’.

Products for our pets sometime seem simple to find, but let’s think out of the box for a minute. Our pets have their physical needs, their environmental and their emotional needs. We connect with our wonderful buddies because we have so much common ground, and our warm blooded bunch have the same aging and health issues just like ours. We speak the same body language so much that it becomes comical–even the rolling their eyes seems the same. And I swear many times they ‘do know what we are saying’.

These pets of ours can benefit from health supplements just like we can. What we eat-what they eat affects all of our systems. Our overall healthy bodies are extremely dependent on our intake, and we have some amazing products to help us and them. Here’s more information about our ‘tooting’ product. it is anti inflammatory, anti virus and it does the very important job to keep our noses happy. It’s safe by being made with natural ingredients. This is a nice and easy way to feel more comfortable, and again, for us and our pets! And for some reason it seems our dogs are much better at stinky tooting than our cats are.

Products that help Us and our Pets:

  • Let’s eliminate those Stinky Toots –and those truly embarrassing sounds that sometimes seem like a party trick clearing the room!
  • Bran (pronounced Bray-n) –is an amazing natural product that was created with bio hacking science. This wonderful product creates a natural energy and super clarity with our brain, even enhancing our peace of mind. You and your pets will have a helping hand with challenging anxiety and depression. Our spirits are lifted. I suggest you talk to your Veterinarian before giving this to your furry loved one. There is an extra boost of energy, and it doesn’t feel anything like that of caffeine.
  • A really helpful product is Uuth–it’s great for helping with joint pain and arthritis. Watch out though, it really helps with the growth of hair and nails! Again I suggest contacting your Veterinarian if this is for your pet. But we see our old pets hobbling around with sore joints and it is heartbreaking to watch. We can offer them help.
  • How about Medical Insurance for our Pets–We have the insurance with this incredible membership. Get a discount on the insurance that Cesar Millan is involved with as Chairman.

Converting from humans to our pets is about the portions. These natural products help with our brain, benefits for more youthful soft tissue resulting in maintaining a youthful health, weight loss and more benefits. In fact, we have an amazing Weight Loss product that works miracles for me. My post menopausal metabolism is now blasting full speed with the product Plos. Look into all of our Bio Hacking products: These products are Non GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Keto Friendly and Dairy Free. Here’s my weight loss testimony if you want to read it:

Time to Help

We are in a good position to be pro-active as the clock keeps ticking. Now we can take really good and advanced care of our overall health and our pets’ health, well beyond what we could do just ten years ago. Look into our bio hacking products that are possibly a good fit for your pets, and our discounts through our membership community. Please check with your veterinarian first, but these bio products are all natural, and need the portion size adapted.

CONTACT US with any questions about this or our Self Employment and Community Income Programs: