Collecting is a Fun Addiction

Most of us find collecting is a fun addiction for that special item we love. It only takes two items to have a collection and we’re off and running. My ‘marble collecting’ granddaughter is starting to notice all of the wine glasses I have. These are single glasses I find during my hunts that don’t even have a mate. I think to myself “they need me”!

Collectibles at Work: So many of us are collectors but the fun is to use these pieces we love. My mother collected sugar jars and it’s a good thing she didn’t have a problem with sugar. These varied jars all had sugar in them, as well as some sticky handles. Not sure how this happens, but it does. I have this collection now and my own collection of salt and peppers. The collection of platters to put them on is part of the fun. See some simple use of my Favorite Items at work in our special spots:

Collectibles for the Home: It is fun reflecting on times in our life where a certain button is pushed and we discover a passion we don’t know we have. This is a view into what triggers a collecting fanatic in the making. Little did I realize at the age of eleven what I was taking my future into. The good news is some of us are born being a natural ‘tight wad’ and the money tends to stay in our wallet. See a recent Find with its Online Value:

Collectibles Shelf: We have four china cabinets and someday some kitchen cabinet doors with glass so all of the fun goodies can be displayed. However, we or I should say I, have been on a shopping binge since we got a bigger home. My policy to only buy when there is a place for the item is true and steadfast, right? This sounds noble but it justifies my buying! The result is building a collectibles shelf in an area that needs something anyway. See the location that won’t work for paintings but is perfect for our collectibles shelf:

Farming or Ranching Implement: Another visit to our Goodwill creates quite the adventure. I’m not sure what I am looking at but it is old, dirty, has been outside a lot and looks like something used in farming or ranching. I like the price of $6 and know it fits the decor in our ranch room. I already visualize it on the wall. Now I’d like to know what it is and I put the word out to my Facebook friends. My nephew is first with the answer after he finds it in eBay. Another decoration in our Ranch Room:

More Additions are Making more Collections: Remember a collection is your special item that becomes two. So a little self control means keeping some items to a minimum, or the space to keep these things to a minimum! I’m having fun with the collecting since our move from a 600 square foot beach cabin to a real house, with lots of room. This page is about sharing an ongoing collection that breeds into more collections. So, I get to share with you and update as I go. This Collecting is only a Problem if I can’t stop myself from looking, and the latest finds might create another collection:

My local Goodwill keeps supplying my need to expand the collecting I like to be engaged in. I collect colored water pitchers, but since our move, this town doesn’t seem to have many. So, a nice clear one comes along and the second clear glass pitcher starts a collection. See how easy it is to get inspired! Just visit and keep an eye on me. I might need another collectibles shelf somewhere!