Change the Door with the Handle

Love those doors after you change the door with the handle. The brass handles on these doors are four different styles on six doors. The whole look now is totally new and updated. Well, I know myself and over the years slightly crooked handles drive me nuts, and square shaped handles really show if they’re crooked. The latest trend for square based door handles will not work for me. After returning a whole box load of square handles, I logically select these nice round base handles for this project.

I like these doors marginally until the black handles are on. I love these wood doors and even show the love by oiling the wood and visibly removing scratches; now they look new. No painted doors in this house now except for the steel exterior doors. These doors are white and I chose brushed steel handles. These blend in and have less contrast; especially the door to the garage. Very short Hallways with four wood doors and a pair of wood bi-fold doors don’t need every door standing out. Hence, the hallway exit door is white!

There is a challenge at first, I don’t think I can find dummy handles for the french doors. There is a hole that goes all the way through from front to back, but no smaller hold on the edge of the doors for latching closed. As it turns out dummy handles just screw onto the surface and are not what is needed. While attaching a handle on one of the other doors I realize that the latch part arrives that it can be removed. PERFECT! This is one of those little project disturbances that bother me in the middle of the night. And yes, I am aware of being psychotic until I solve the mystery.

Satisfaction Guaranteed for Me!

The kitchen pulls are black craftsman style along with some simple black pulls on our bi-fold doors for our laundry closet and coat closet. They were the first item we installed and now we have the door handles. My plan to paint the stair railing black is also tying into the black theme without painting the interior of the house black! I know this is the current trend; but truly, I think this trend is going to die very soon for the homeowners that live it within the walls they love everyday. Sometimes it’s nice to walk into a room and see wonderful details. And not necessarily remember the room is a certain color. Design needs for all the details to tie together. Let’s not have some bold statements wear on our nerves after awhile…..

I love the change in the appearance. And, I can get them straight to satisfy the quirky side of my personality. The look is just right for us, in fact, it’s almost like the doors are yelling at me saying “this house is looking old”, and now we are perfect! O.k., perfect is a bit extreme, but the satisfaction is Huge when there is a tiny fix and the visual change is what we want.

I obsess over our house and always sit and look at what is around me. I come up with change ideas and my hubby doesn’t understand why I want to do what I want to do. Well, I will always see ways to update tiny changes. Some of us rearrange our goodies on countertops and some of us envision new countertops. Just try not to let your ideas take away from the joy of enjoying your home while plotting along with your updates.

First Impression

This project is simple and mood changing in the appearance the house conveys. The quiet change from the 90’s to the craftsman handles, with the kitchen pulls and the doors, is difficult to measure. This is a super subtle change that is a quiet whisper to the direction the style is expressing. The pine doors, with their natural wood, fits beautifully with the handles and their style. The rooms and hallway are somehow elevated into a nice warm and natural look. The little bit of the harmony with the handles and pulls just plain works.

Eventually we hope to have natural white oak cabinets and floors. No stain, just natural. We have dark oak china cabinets and a dark brown leather couch. So light floors and cabinets become the needed contrast to give this room the pop that will not be glaring, just lovely. We might do white counters in the future kitchen, and a clear maple butcher block could work on the kitchen island tying in with the floors.

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