Sleep and Slim with Bio Hacking

Sleep and slim down your waistline. Get rid of that unwanted fat while you get a deep and restful sleep. Sleep your very best and rejuvenate your mornings, plus Dial down your stress and help balance your serotonin levels. This miraculous bio hacking ‘snap’ gives you a more powerful metabolism stepping up your body’s burning abilities. Now, make sure you take Zlem about 30 minutes before you actually desire to fall asleep. You will have trouble keeping your eyes open–well, I do anyway, and I tend to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. There is no problem staying asleep with Zlem and no problem waking up. I will say this several times, but this is REAL. Find out about the Stage 1 and Stage 2 snaps from the Brochure Link below.

See the Brochure and all of the Ingredients Here:

Sleep and Your Health

It’s important to get your best sleep you can. We have heard this many times but the reality of it is challenging. I read an article recently that discusses when our clocks are moved in the Spring and Fall. The discussion emphasizes the disruption of sleep patterns when the clocks change; and apparently, the rate of heart attacks goes up in this country. This is a by product of just an hour change in the time. This is not additional emotional or additional physical stress that really altars our best sleep. Just one hour of altered time takes our brain into an adjustment tizzy fit!

Give your body what it needs, and that’s Zlem, and it needs your sleep time to go to work repairing the days’ wear and tear. Our sleep has an affect on our hormones that affects our appetite. Lack of sleep causes our level of Ghrelin go up, and if something goes up then generally something goes down! The level of Leptin goes down, resulting in making us feel hungrier than we would when we’re fully rested. Another factor is our blood sugar goes up and is higher than normal. Overall it just isn’t good not to get a full nights’ rest! We are vulnerable to germs and sickness, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and stroke. None of it’s good.

Getting quality sleep is the answer along with a product that does not have an after affect when you wake up. When you get the rest you need then watch out! It is time to be more productive, have more mental clarity, physically recover and rebuild your body back to its best. If you want a little help in all these areas, then look into these products with the design to improve our overall body’s best functions-Bran, Uuth, Plos Thermo plus Zlem. Be a Customer here and raise the bar on your expectations:

Learn more about Zlem and our other Bio Hacking Products

Watch this short and complete presentation; so you can understand how to improve your life with your health and, there’s also the opportunity to improve your financial well being. Also, this GREAT product has a new sister, the Lite version which is a Mist. It is a compact canister that loves to travel. Just do a few squirts into your mouth and you are ready to go, or rather good to stop and sleep amazingly well!

Here’s a Great video about this Amazing Product!

To Be a Customer come visit this page:

This Product and its Bio Hacking Is Real:

A video is worth a million words! When we refer to ‘bio hacking’ we are lightly touching the facts. There is a whole world to research when it comes to this. The term was unknown to me until recently; actually I finally googled it. This is science focusing on our genes and giving them what they need. This is more than taking a nutrient in our ordinary foods. Science is at its cutting edge and frankly-Brilliant!

Massive health changes are in store for you with a big bonus–tied with a big red bow! We have business opportunities too, as well as a community to partner up with you. We are a team coaching, teaching, mentoring and supporting every step of our new business associates. You are welcome to start as a customer and test the waters when it comes to these products. You are very welcome to upgrade your status and life later as a new partner with this really Great business program.

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What you have just watched, is Proprietary, Unique and Awesome! And they are only available through us. It is an incredible Opportunity. We have found one of the best things to help others ever. Time to Start Here and Change your Life!:

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