Another Senior Fighting the Internet

I am one of millions; another Senior fighting the Internet, as in Rebelling! This has been an emotional battle I have finally figured out. I have spent the last few years pondering this emotional battle against this incredible technology. Why is this, where is this frustration coming from? Why am I so resistant and at times resentful? The answer is now in my grasp and I get it.

Back to Memory Lane-60’s

My husband and I are now part of the same group we have been hearing from growing up. “We are so glad we grew up in the times we did”. To start, the danger to children was much less so our freedoms were so great. The summer message from our Moms’ is ‘come back home when it starts to get dark’. Summers are glorious. We’re in the 60’s and loving it.

I ride my bike all over town, and this is in the suburbs of Orange County, California. As hard as I try I can’t seem to get lost. The sun is up at five and so am I as I jump on my bike. Mr. Benoit is sitting in his kitchen window with his coffee and waves at me as I ride up his drive-way and back down again. I love seeing someone else up and awake. Hours later my brothers find me and it’s time for breakfast.

Many times dinner is sitting in front of the T.V. in the family room Dad builds in the back, it’s through my brothers’ bedroom. We have black and white T.V., rabbit ears and six channels to watch. Just this creates harmony in the family. Not many choices and Mom makes them. We are all together, having Mom’s bake goods and watching Dad fiddle with the rabbit ears. Why he bothers is a mystery, he usually is reading his Sci-fy books.

Travel Shows me Where to Live in the Far Off Future-60’s

Our blessing in life is Dad being in the R.V. industry. We travel every summer for three weeks with a theme. My brother Doug is a narrow gauge fanatic so we do a trip in the Colorado Rockies investigating the old mining towns dependent on the narrow gauge trains to haul their materials along sheer cliffs. The Southwest and Four Corners has us all entranced with Rock Hunting, and studying the Native American landscape. I love beaches, rivers, rock hunting and fishing. The West Coast trips from L.A. to the state of Washington prove to be my future love affair.

Life Continues into the Unknown-70’s

Life’s stress is being a decent student and figuring out what my passions, if any, will bring about for a career choice coming up soon. I have no clue that in the future will be another challenge beyond imagination. Little did any of us know that when Scotty says “Beam me up”, our Star Trek show was hinting at what’s to come.

Earth Shaking Change Arrives-2000’s

Computers are here and we either get one or lose ground in technology. I immediately don’t like this home computer in our home, but It is necessary. I know it rationally and already resent the intrusion to our private and controlled environment. The use of this computer is amazing, and with the introduction of the internet the computer is limitless. However; if I want news then I’ll turn on the television, but this darn machine turns on and my husband has the home page on a news site. The world is in our home, period.

Time to get Flexible-2020’s

I have found myself angry at times because my husband is enjoying the new world of social media and YouTube. He’s in his office for hours laughing at whatever he’s watching; and me, I like the house clean and quiet. Now part of this is adjusting to his retirement, but the other part is me liking the separation of our homelife and the outside world. There is no outside world anymore, it’s all in our home offices.

But now I have to be honest and see that there is so much I love. How about a note to my doctor about a medication, or set up a hair appointment? I find I don’t want to do without the internet. I’m the last member of my immediate family to get a smart phone. We are talking years before I give in, and now my calendar and alarm clock are essential for breathing. I keep leaving my shopping list at home when a friend suggests I get a shopping list app.

This is when I really find I need an attitude adjustment. This silly battle I embrace is only disturbing me, and I’m doing it voluntarily! I’m aware of this discomfort with my waffling of love, hate, annoyance and embracing a technology that can’t be put back in the bottle. Becoming flexible is the way to get back some of my peace of mind, which means the next step is to somehow embrace this new’ ‘information highway’ in order to end my self induced misery.

Time to Quit Being Another Senior Fighting the Internet

I decide to work part-time at the age of 69. I can get a job at a Home Improvement Box Store in a heart beat. The staff knows me well from all of my visits, while I do my home improvement projects: But, I want something long term and something where I can make more than the minimum wage. Really, I shouldn’t lock myself into a job requiring some relationship with my health.

Me in my Bedroom/Office

I go onto the internet and look for part-time work in our area. Something nice will be engaging, possibly pay well, and workout if I am physically laid up. I have no clue what I am looking for, but I’m definitely ready for a challenge after being retired for years. My eyes land on an application to ‘Work from Home Link Post Blogging’. The first thing that happens is a surge of FEAR. I can barely get around on the computer let alone be familiar with the Internet and all that entails!

What is Link Post Blogging, and how are ‘Links’ going to somehow create an income? I do know that I will be at home, working my hours and wearing my robe if I want! This is a far cry from anything I ever thought I would do, yet I make a call, find out more, and sign up for my new future. Time to rearrange the office, and Bam!!!, I pull my hamstring. I have never injured myself before, but this is a doozy. A small woman should not try to move a 3 foot wide and 4 foot tall metal filing cabinet filled with files! I was just trying to tip it backward about 1/2 inch to put a slider underneath.

Meet the Challenge Head On

My theory is confirmed. This is why I chose a non-physical career. I get around pretty good, but I’m limited to no more than moving one leg about a foot in front of me. Amazing timing, but I know I’m going to have a long term career putting in the hours I want with whatever limitations I encounter with my age. I am no longer fighting the internet; it is my new partner for my new career.

The biggest adjustment is the decision to meet my fears and embrace my beloved computer and the things it can do with the internet. I even get another computer with more speed, and I’m so excited it shocks me, really! The revelation is I know I can do this, and again, I am no longer fighting the internet!

We have an instructor for each of us and a community that is always there for us. They help me learn the business as well as computer skills. The first mental task for me is to give myself lots of wiggle room when it comes to learning and I start right off with the right attitude. And of course you now know I also change my attitude when it comes to the Internet. I now get to be an instructor in training and pay forward a new and independent lifestyle for others.

Co-dependent Love Affair

Heaven help me if I have my internet go out. My support and my world are all tied into my internet connection. Live Zooms are not going to happen without it, and my new bunch of friends and associates count on me to show up and be a part of a Really Fun Group of Entrepreneurs. My days of Fighting the Internet are long gone and so are the disruptive feelings I had interfering with my joy. I wake up with inspiration and even want to write articles sharing my thoughts that have come to me in the middle of the night.

If you got all the way down to the bottom of this article, then Thank You for being tenacious and getting to know me a little better. I now get to be an Instructor and pay forward a new and independent lifestyle for others. Overall I like to help people and I hope this article has some value for you. I am no longer fighting the internet and now can use it for Good! God Bless, Betsy

This last year I am doing my weekly jaunt to Goodwill and find something that is either a farming or ranching implement. I try to take a look at what they have at least once a week and then I spot this. I know by the looks that this is old, handmade with bentwood and something to only dust off! Don’t forget to open with your mouse over the photo to enlarge it.

Little Bits of Who we Are

We are personally made as people from the stuff we are raised around. My grandfather had a ranch, and visits there are more fun than the large theme park near where we live. Once a year we visit and each time I put my future desires to live on a ranch deep into my psyche. My poor husband lives with the complaints of city life for years.

We finally get to ranch country after the beach country that was also on the ‘let’s live there’ list! So here I am with a store filled with old cowboy boots and stained plastic containers. But I know this item is something from the area that had some significance to farming or ranching. It has to be a farming or ranching implement. So for $6.00 I buy it and post a picture onto my Facebook site. My nephew nails it right away, and a farmer/rancher we know in Montana gets back to me as well.

This is Fun for our Family Ranch Room

Our family room has our ranch artifacts in it. We have the classic horse shoes from the ranch and Dad’s bridle and reins for his days of horse riding. Mom does photo collages of us working on the ranch after Dad inherits it, and these are proudly adorning the wall. This room is soothing to my ‘ranch desiring soul’.

Now I have something to hang on the wall that definitely belongs. In fact, this item is for both farming and ranching, the duo implement. I nailed it without knowing what I was looking at. This is a grain sifter. It has loose hook to shake it with a shovel full of cut grain. The sifter is put to work and then the farmer or rancher can compare the amount of grain to another field and see which one has the greater seed yield.

We now have a ‘new to us’ item for the walls and souvenir of Wyoming that fits perfectly into our ‘ranch room’. When I find out what it is, the emotional link hits me hard. I am closer to living where I have wanted my entire life, and this little farm/ranch artifact has a home where it is appreciated. What age it is I would love to know. All of these grain sifters that I see online are hand made and vary in design of course. I enjoy envisioning someone soaking their would and then sitting down and wrapping the wood around something round. Maybe misses farmer’s round pot. This is how this collector’s brain enjoys collecting older pieces. I also get the added bonus of asking guests what they think it is!

Things Change

Now my hunting ‘eye’ has a new vision. The hunt is now for dirty and dusty, plus items a little muddy now. I love my glass and crystal, but this is new. I never see ranch and farming stuff in our state of Washington in the suburbs. Now I have exposure to the ‘wild west’ here in Wyoming. When we first arrive here during The Frontier Days, I am extremely disappointed in the Goodwill store being loaded with cowboy boots, and no cut crystal. Now I’ve made the leap to the old west and all that it entails!

Public Value too

I always love hunting up the value of items with eBay or Pinterest. My nephew beat me to the punch though. When he identified it, he found the value, and sent me the links. So my joy is dusting it and hanging it on the wall, with the added knowledge that it goes for about $120.00 online. Now understand that the on-line price covers the seller’s cost, time, commission and shipping. Broken down it’s about $35.00 at a second hand store. However, my grandfather would get a kick out of seeing it on the ranch room wall.

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